University of Oxford 8th Course on Systematic Reviews and Meta-AnalysesInfo Location Contact Event Information
DescriptionAre you interested in systematic reviews and meta-analyses of RCTs & observational studies? Join our online course! It is open to anyone interested in evidence synthesis and evidence-based practice, specificially designed for psychiatrists, psychologists, mental health professionals, mental health pharmacists, and neuroscientists. Features include an engaging program of lectures, practical sessions & group discussions. This is a virtual course, and during practical sessions it is easier (though not required) if you have access to two screens. Topics covered include: Protocol, search strategy, basic concepts on statistical analysis of RCTs, study selection, risk of bias & GRADE, reporting of results (PRISMA guidelines), performing a meta-analysis (theory and practice with R), paper submission, and some aspects of practical project presentation.
Event Location
ContactFor any queries regarding this event please contact Rania Elgarf - [email protected] |