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Old Road Campus Daily Charge (main car parks)

Old Road Campus Daily Charge (main car parks)



Pay a single non-refundable daily charge for the right to hunt for a peak parking space in the ORC multi-storey car park on a day of your choice.

Flexible permit holders always need to pay a daily charge to park at peak times.

Peak permit holders only need to pay a daily charge when parking at peak times on days not printed on their permit.

Flexible and peak permits are both valid without a daily charge at off-peak times (off-peak times are Monday to Friday between 4pm and 7am and all-day Saturday, Sunday and University fixed closure days).



Detailed Description

Permit holders who want to buy multiple daily charges in advance must add one item at a time to your basket. For example, suppose you would like to pay three separate daily parking charges. In that case, you must click the ‘Add to basket’ button three times and wait between each click for the system to reset. Do NOT click the '+' button to increase the number of items to three before adding to the basket as doing this will result in paying for three charges for the same day.

Further details are available at Parking Permits | Travel (ox.ac.uk)