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EBM Primer


Course Information


EBM Primer

An online primer in Evidence-Based Medicine. 

A concise and relevant course to improve decision-making in healthcare, this course is brought to you by leading practitioners in the field of Evidence-Based Medicine from the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine at the University of Oxford.

Course Code

EBM Primer

Course Leader

Course Description

The 100% online course uses text, video, audio, and interactive knowledge checks to deliver essential concepts and skills in Evidence-Based Medicine.

Across seven modules, we cover the following topics:

  1. Understanding benefits and limitations of Evidence-Based Medicine
  2. Developing research questions and conducting effective searches in healthcare
  3. Identifying study designs and levels of evidence
  4. Applying essential skills in Evidence-Based Medicine with medical statistics for therapeutic interventions, diagnostics, prognostics, and screening in healthcare

Pre-requisites or other academic requirements do not restrict access to the course. 

Modules 1-3 are most suitable for general audiences as they provide an overview of Evidence-Based Medicine. Participants learn about study designs and search strategies to collect evidence.

Modules 4-7 explain the more advanced skills required to practice Evidence-Based Medicine. Participants will work through case studies, calculations, and critical appraisals for applying evidence in therapeutic interventions, diagnostics, prognostics, and healthcare screening. 

Specialised content, medical statistics, and other medical terminology are presented in Modules 4-7. Participants with pre-existing medical knowledge will find these modules more accessible. However, the learning material has been selected for its importance in conveying themes, not for its complexity, so we do hope beginners can focus on these concepts and simply 'give-it-a-go' on the more challenging exercises.

As a self-directed course, you are able to stop and start modules at your own convenience. There are no live tutorials or chat groups.

This course usually takes 10 to 12 hours to complete of which 2 hours is video content. Access to the course will be open for 6 weeks.

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EBM Primer