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HERC Short Course Combinations 2025 - Online


Course Information


HERC offers a discount upon booking more than one of the following online courses: Introduction to Health Economic Evaluation, Integrating Economic Evaluation into Clinical Trials, Inequality in Health and Health Care: Theoretical and Empirical Decisions, Applied Methods of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis and Cost-Effective Analysis in Stata using participant level data. 

Please proceed to booking/payment to choose the combination of courses you would like to book - according to your sector. Please note you must choose more than one course to receive the discount, if you book one course we reserve the right to cancel your booking. 

Note:  You will need your debit/credit card ready in order to book


Course Code


Course Leader

Course Description

HERC offers combined course discounts across five of our short courses in health economics:- 

Online Introduction to Health Economic Evaluation is for health professionals and health researchers who want to understand the basics of health economics and its relevance to the health service. No previous knowledge of economics required. 

Online Integrating Economic Evaluation into Clinical Trials is for health professionals and health researchers who want to understand the basics of health economics and its relevance to the health service.  No previous knowledge of economics is required.

Online Inequality in Health and Health Care: Theoretical and Empirical Considerations will cover theoretical concepts on inequity and inequality in health as well as its measurement. It will also provide an overview of selected available (longitudinal) household survey data and cohort studies that combine socio-economic and demographic variables along with various health measures – these datasets provide good sources for empirical inequality in health research.

Online Applied Methods of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis is for health economists and health professionals with some knowledge of health economics who wish to learn about the methodology of cost-effectiveness analysis as applied in health care.  

Online Cost-Effectiveness Analysis In Stata Using Participant-Level Data is aimed at those who have participated in the Applied Methods of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis course (although open to all) provides an overview data preparation and analyses, using the statistical software Stata

Please proceed to booking/payment to choose your course combination - according to your sector.

Note:  You will need your debit/credit card ready in order to book

StartEndCourse Fee 
Academic/Public Sector Rates
01/01/202531/12/2025[Read More]
Private/Commercial Combinations 2025
08/01/202531/12/2025[Read More]