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Integrating Economic Evaluation into Clinical Trials [Online Course]


Course Information


This course is designed for investigators, managers, researchers and others working in the clinical trials. It will give participants a first clear understanding of the fundamental concepts and principles of economic appraisal with a focus on the methods and the practical uses of cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit analysis of alternative health care and public health interventions. No previous knowledge or background in economics is required.



Course Code


Course Leader

Course Description


  • To introduce key health economic concepts
  • To provide practical guidance on how to use economic tools to inform and evaluate health care and public health interventions with an emphasis on randomised trials
  • To explain how to involve health economists in each stage of clinical trial, from study design and funding application to results reporting


The course is divided into five sessions:

  • Session 1: Introduction to key health economic concepts
  • Session 2: Measuring health-related quality of life and use of clinical outcomes
  • Session 3: Collecting and valuing relevant cost data in clinical trials
  • Session 4: Economic evaluation, uncertainty and modelling
  • Session 5: Examples and getting projects funded

Each session will comprise of a mix of pre-recorded lectures (40-50 minutes per session), practical exercises to reinforce the presentations, and live sessions with tutors to go over exercises and to provide an opportunity for questions.

Access to course material will be provided at least a week in advance of the course. The lectures and practical exercises can be viewed and worked through on the morning of the live session, or at a time convenient to participants before these live sessions.

Full details can be viewed on the HERC website

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HERC Short Courses
29/04/202530/04/20250[Read More]